Assessing Our Coaching

I’m not a football coach, but here is the recipe for football success:

  • Nobody is called “coach” by players
  • No tackling at practice
  • No sprints at practice
  • No playbooks

…no kidding.

These are the actual rules of the winningest coach in NCAA football history. They are the rules that underpin the 489-38-11 record of John Gagliardi, former head coach of Division III Saint John’s University of Minnesota.

The soft-spoken winner keeps a hard-bound copy of his own book, Everything I Know About Coaching, on his office desk. Every page in the book is blank. Despite this humility, Gagliardi’s coaching wisdom presents some of the most difficult questions I have encountered in my coaching career.

When I speak with other coaches, we often challenge each other to identify why we coach. It’s a tough and worthwhile question. But the legacy of John Gagliardi has prompted me to start myself asking a question that’s more tricky: Why do I coach how I coach?

Sure, I care about the students I coach. I think every coach whom I admire truly does. I work hard to adopt and display a servant model of leadership that places the needs and concerns of my players at the forefront of my decision making. I study and teach others the value of nurturing, caring, positive coaching. I honestly believe that my job is the development of the entire student and that winning is one small non-primary goal in the context of that job.

But Gagliardi’s example poses a different, less comfortable challenge: Could coach in a manner that rejects nearly all of the “coach” archetype embedded in our collective sports psyche? Can I survive if my players (and their parents) don’t see enough of the collective Bryant-Wooden-Knight-Hoosiers image of coaching? Would I still be credible? Would I ever win again? Would I keep a coaching job? When I start to ask these questions, I question whether I have the courage or the craftsmanship to move my habits in this direction.

There is probably no single effective voice or tone for coaching. We each adopt and adapt the model that we find effective to reach our coaching goals. We make choices.

Increasingly, though, I’ve questioned how much I really do choose my coaching voice. Perhaps I simply mimic fragments of the voices of the coaches I’ve seen and worked with. The question emanates from the fact that I’ve rarely seen a coach (particularly in contact sports such as basketball, football, or hockey) with as divergent a model as John Gagliardi – despite the fact I am blessed to see, work with, and talk to literally hundreds of very, very talented coaches every year.

Concurrent with this growing realization, I’ve started to listen to and to hear my coaching tone of voice and that of the coaches around me. I veer so effortlessly from teaching to demanding to correcting – and the tone of my voice becomes increasingly more harsh and self-serving along that continuum. What has struck me is that I often speak with a tone I don’t use or hear anywhere else. I don’t hear myself speak to colleagues, friends, family, or classroom students with the same acidity of tone. Why?

Again, I can only blame the voice of the archetypal coach. I blame my own need to show coaching success primarily through winning and by appearing to be the coach players and parents have learned to expect. And in this, I realize that as my tone degrades, I am becoming increasingly focused on my own needs, worries, and frustrations rather than those of my players. I worry that my approach to doing my job  – my real coaching job of developing whole students – is tainted by hypocrisy.

For me, there are a number of take-aways from this. There is room for a coaching voice and approach that is vastly different from what we’ve come to accept as the norm. It is worth listening to how we talk to student-athletes as coaches and asking whether we would ever use our coaching tone in other circumstances.

Can I coach differently, questioning every habit I have honed over a career? Can I at least move in that direction? If I ask my athletes to continually grow and improve – even when it’s difficult and glacially slow – can I hold myself to the same standard?

The most affecting facet of John Gagliardi’s example, though, is its unapologetic selflessness. He exhibited a genuine belief that the game and the team truly belong to the players. He coached in a way that gave that team and that experience back to the players in its purest form, unsullied by his own ego or needs. He worked from the premise that their growth and dignity surpassed all other goals – even winning. And in doing so, he won. His record proves the amount of his winning, but tells nothing of its remarkable quality.

Using Technology to Benefit Your Program

The following is from Nick LoGalbo, Head Boys Basketball Coach, Lane Tech High School (Chicago):

As I continue to gear up for the 2015-2016 basketball season and put our calendars and schedules together, it is a bit surreal for me to see 2015-2016 at the top of each document.  As a kid, I always thought that the year 2015 was so far away.  After all, this was the year in the future that I remember looking at as a kid thinking that we would be driving flying cars, planning flights to other planets, and, as Back to the Future suggests, the Chicago Cubs would finally win a World Series!  Well, we are not driving flying cars, we are not planning a trip to Mars, and the Chicago Cubs …well, that remains to be seen!  Despite these non-realities, the truth is the expansion of technology is evident and we are living in an age that if we, as basketball coaches, are not taking advantage of the opportunities around us, well, we are not growing.  And, as the old adage goes, if you are not growing, and there is no such thing as standing still, well then you must be going backwards.

So, we have an obligation to assess what technological tools are out there that will help us grow as coaches, that will help aid in our players’ development, and that will help grow and market our programs.  Here is a list of must haves for any coach in today’s basketball landscape:


I am sure all of the coaches reading this article already know about the benefits of using YouTube to access clips of different coaching DVD’s, player workouts and even excerpts of games, however, I have found it even more beneficial listening to coaches’ interviews.  If you’ve ever attended what is in my opinion the best basketball clinic around, Coaching U Live, you have heard founder and Los Angeles Clippers executive Kevin Eastman give his rant about how he attended the best clinic in the world.  He goes on to tell us all that he listened to Mike Krzyzewski, Tom Izzo, Pat Riley, and Phil Jackson…and that he was able to listen to all of them right FROM HIS OWN COUCH!  We all then get a good laugh because we realize that he is right!  We have access to all of the best the game has ever offered and they are all just a click away.

How often do we make use of YouTube?  I am not just suggesting when we are putting in a new defense and we want some teaching points, or when we have a new point guard and we want to challenge him with a new workout.  I mean, how often do we sit and listen to the best in the world that have dealt with the major stressors and issues that the coaching world presents and take notes on the bigger picture topics?

Some of my best “clinics” I have been a part of have been typing in “John Wooden” and listening to his hour and half video discussing his beliefs and why he coached the way that he did and then typing in Shaka Smart and listening to his opening press conference when he was hired as VCU’s head coach and he articulates his vision.

Do not forget that there are a million ways to skin this cat (meaning, there are a lot of systems to use) so even though fine tuning our system is important and those types of searches on YouTube are crucial, more importantly, we are in the leadership business and in the business of people and those lessons are the lifeblood of our coaching careers.

Further, YouTube is an amazing tool for marketing your program.  We have highlight videos, banquet videos, and even player interviews on our YouTube channel and they are vital in allowing us to grow our culture and our brand.  I really think that creating a YouTube channel for your program is something to consider.


I do not know how I functioned as a coach before getting my subscription to FastDraw, and now I do not know how I would operate now without it!  As a young coach, maybe a year or two into being a head coach, a friend of mine Rashon Burno, now on Arizone State’s coaching staff, suggested FastDraw and showed me how he was using it.  I was absolutely blown away!  First off, each year you can update your system with new actions or wrinkles.  If you are adding or changing your system, obviously you can get all of your actions or sets in and have it available for your whole program.  It can operate as a paperless (or if you want to print it you can) playbook.  Further, you can add your own drill book and continually add to that as you continue to grow as a coach by going to practices and clinics and adding your notes to FastDraw.  I have everything compiled there from the past nine years and now I have this amazing library I can refer to and share with my staff or even other coaches.

I have recently started getting all of our scout’s in there as well and creating files for every team in our league.  We have excellent game plans going into all of our games because of our scout library.

Another amazing feature with FastDraw is the trading and sharing of information with the click of a button.  I have been able to share system plan, scouting reports, and my drill book with coaching colleagues from all over the world.

A piece of advice I took from John Wooden early in my career was to learn everything I can about the game.  He would spend every summer researching something new about the game and learning everything he could.  He always stated that although he may never use what he learned for his own team, he was well-versed in how other systems operated and it validated what he did with his UCLA teams.  With FastDraw, every time I see a set I like while watching and NBA or NCAA game, I can plug it in and have it on file.

There are a lot of different playbook tools out there, but in my experience, FastDraw is the best.


The use of game and practice film has become such an important element of teaching the game.  The tool I have found to be the most beneficial for film breakdown and teaching is Krossover.  We simply film our game, upload it to the Krossover website and then get a full breakdown of the game statistically, with trends and even an interactive shot chart!  The best feature for me though, was that I did not have to spend hours clipping the film out myself.  High school coaches are pressed for time as it is, and with limited resources and limited access to other coaches, I found that by the time I was finished clipping the film out I was well past my bed time and began to nod off before I could even begin to start recording statistics.  With Krossover, I am able to share the clipped out game (or the raw footage) and the stats from the game all with just a few clicks on my laptop.

Once the game is clipped out and stated out it is shared with the whole team and coaching staff.  My goal this year is to assign a few players each to my assistants so we can do individual film breakdown sessions and discuss the progress of each player.  As Coach K always says, film is the ultimate teacher because the “film does not lie”.  Sometimes we can tell a player what we see but he will not agree or accept what we, as coaches, are saying.  When the film is there for the player and what is being communicated by the coach can also be perceived on the film, that is when serious growth can begin to happen.


This past summer I had the pleasure of having a webinar with Jason Majeur, the founder of Programax.  If you are unfamiliar with Programax, I suggest you look it up today!  Jason asked me a few questions, specifically about what types of issues I was having as a coach.  “Do I worry that my players are not getting the right kind of work in during the off-season and non-contact periods?  Do I have issues with communication with my players, their parents, and even my coaches?  Do I have issues collecting money for our youth camps and for other items during the season?”

I answered yes to all of these questions and I could not believe it, but Programax has been able to solve all of these issues for our program!  We are able to film our individual player and small group workouts so that our players can login and watch the workouts and review the teaching points before they hit the gym.  Then they can actually then log their workouts and compete with each other the whole off-season.

Another amazing feature is that I am also able to upload coaching videos to educate our coaches on our offensive and defensive systems.  If you are like me then you want your lower levels running the same system as the varsity.  With Programax, your lower level coaches can review the finer teachings points, drills, and flow of your system on their own time to aid them in implementing your system at each level of the program.

Collecting money is always an issue that we struggle with in our program.  With Programax, we set up an event, like our summer youth camp and our campers register through Programax so we do not have to deal with any of the paper work or payment issues.  Programax then sends us a check for what we earned and we are all set.

Finally, Programax has immensely helped us streamline our communication to players, parents, and coaches alike as we can set up groups to communicate with after they login to our account.  Choosing Programax has easily been one of the best decisions I have made for our program and I am excited to see the benefits continue into the upcoming season.

In closing, I know we are not zooming around in flying cars just yet, but in the coaching world there have been some major technological advances…now if the Cubs can just come through and win a World Series!

Team Building

The following is from Bob Williams, Head Boys Basketball Coach, Niles West High School:

Some say that teamwork is the key to every success.  Success in sports, in business, and in life is directly dependent on effective teamwork.  Recent trends have made the concept of team building desirable to those who manage people in our culture.  One cannot function in today’s global society without participating on countless teams, and the process of building an effective team has become one of the ‘hot’ topics in the business world today.  This concept, though, is not something new in the world of sports.  Coaches have developed and managed effective teams throughout the history of organized athletics.  Coaches who are successful in an athletic environment are successful in the most competitive atmosphere available for building teams.  Therefore, it is reasonable to analyze the methods of successful athletic coaches to identify effective team-building techniques.  This paper addresses the process of building a successful team in athletics.  The strategies presented have proven successful in various athletic environments; however, this process can be easily adjusted to be effective for building teams in any setting that requires teamwork.

The first step in building any team is choosing the team members.  This process can vary greatly from situation to situation, depending on the pool of talent available for the team.  A coach or business manager should look at various factors when choosing the members of the team.  Talent is a major part of the successful team, but should not be the most important aspect to consider when choosing a team member.  The most important factor to consider is the character of the player.  A team cannot be effective if the leaders on the team are lacking in character.  A highly effective team may have a player or two with questionable character, but these players cannot be team leaders.  Only when the leaders of a team have character will the team itself have character.  Team character is crucial for achieving success.  Character gives teams the winning edge and lifts the team to its goals.  It must be established in the culture of the team that character matters.

Equally important when choosing a team is how the abilities of the players complement each other.  The coach needs to ask himself whether he would like a collection of amazing players or an amazing collection of players.  A collection of amazing players will disappoint unless their talents are complementary.  Frequently, teams achieve championship status when they don’t necessarily possess the greatest individual talents, but are victorious by blending their abilities in a way that makes the whole greater than the sum of its parts.  It is out of the ordinary, though, for a team to achieve greatness without this precious quality.  A coach who has selected players with great character and complementary skills will have laid the groundwork for a team which attains the elusive state of synergy, where the skills and abilities of the team combine in the most powerful way possible.

The next task is to assess the various reasons why the players want to be on the team.  There are commonly many different reasons for participation among the team members.  The most common reasons are typically associated with fulfilling personal needs that can range from receiving recognition to personal accomplishment, from belonging to competing, from having fun to developing discipline.  Each player will have his own reason for being on the team.  It is the coach’s responsibility to insure that the players understand that the best way to achieve their individual goals is to work as an effective team member.  Frequently, a coach cannot completely change the character of all of the people trying out for the team.  Furthermore, a coach usually cannot have power over the reasons the players try out for the team.  This is not to say that the coach will be a victim when attempting to build an effective team.  The better the character and motivations of the team members, the easier the job is for the coach.  A team lacking in these areas makes the job more difficult for a coach, but, either way, the job can be done.

Regardless of the composition of the team, it is imperative that the coach convinces the players that they are all attempting to accomplish the same thing – a mastermind alliance.  A mastermind alliance occurs when all team members are so committed to the team vision that they seem to function as a single mind.  Pat Riley refers to it as “The Core Covenant”.  Phil Jackson calls it “Zen Selfless Awareness” or “Five-man Tai Chi”.  Jackson also quotes Rudyard Kipling’s poem from The Second Jungle Book as an illustration of this point:

Now this is the Law of the Jungle-

As old and as true as the sky:

And the Wolf that shall keep it may prosper,

But the Wolf that shall break it must die.

As the creeper that girdles the tree trunk,

The Law runneth forward and back.

For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf,

And the strength of the Wolf is the Pack.

Whatever term a coach may use, compelling a team to pursue the team vision is the single most important task a successful coach must accomplish.  Once the team is persuaded of the desirability of the team vision and the opportunity presented by this vision, every other task is considerably easier.  A coach needs to address the vision every day in every activity.  The vision needs to be worthwhile in the minds of the players.  The vision does not necessarily have to be what others would deem to be positive or advisable.  There are numerous examples of leaders like Hitler or Jim Jones who were highly effective at convincing a team of the attractiveness of some very negative goals.  A coach who picks a positive vision and influences his team to work to achieve this vision has accomplished the most difficult task in team building.

A wise coach never assumes that the task of selling the vision to the players is done.  He works each day to deepen the understanding and belief that his players have in the vision.  This undertaking could be called “positive brainwashing”.  Many of the techniques that comprise the process of brainwashing are techniques that effective coaches have used for years.  The effective coach knows that it is important to talk to his players about the vision when they are under duress in practice.  The effective coach knows that it is important to talk to his players at the end of practice when they are tired.  The effective coach knows that it is important to talk to his players before and after games when they are very emotional.  The effective coach knows that it is important to be redundant about important topics.  These are all techniques that are shared with the process of brainwashing.

The key for a successful coach is to thoroughly examine the team vision and his own motivations for this vision.  If the fundamental motivation is to develop effective team members who will become useful members of society, then this process can be called positive brainwashing.  If the fundamental motivation is something less than this, then the vision can easily be twisted into a harmful situation with a predictably negative outcome for all.

True belief in the team’s vision is essential for the core members of the team.  This will create positive leadership and a positive team culture.  Then, even if there are members of the team who don’t quite have the true belief, all team members will still feel compelled to work to achieve the team vision.  Not doing so would violate the norms of the team.  A player who violates these norms can be easily identified.  When this happens, the player must be forced to decide whether he wants to work to achieve the vision with the rest of the team or decide that he no longer wishes to be part of the team.  The biggest mistake a coach can make is to be seduced by the talent of a player who does not believe in the team vision.  Regardless of talent, a player who does not work to achieve the team vision cannot be allowed to remain on the team.  Every effort should be made to convince this player of the merits of the vision, but when push comes to shove, the player has to be given a choice – work with the rest of the team to accomplish the team vision or be removed from the team.

The coach must also develop leadership on the team from among the team members.  If the coach is the only legitimate leader on the team, the values and commitment of the team tend to be very superficial.  The leaders on the team can accomplish a great deal when the team is away from the coach.  If the leaders are promoting the team vision when they are away from the coach, the team will realize that this is not something they are doing for the coach, but something they are doing for themselves.  The easiest way to develop leadership on the team is to find important non-critical issues and let the team decide how to resolve such issues.  The more often the coach does this, the better.  It is essential that these issues are important to the team, or this activity will be meaningless and weaken the leadership of the team.  When a coach defers important decisions to the team often, he can gauge the level of understanding that the team and the team leadership have of the vision.  If that level is very high, the coach can then let the team address critical issues as well.  The coach can have confidence that the team will do the right thing because they have demonstrated an understanding of the implications of the team vision.  If the level of understanding is not as high, then the coach knows the team will need more guidance in decision-making.  Also, the coach knows that he must be more diligent in his efforts to convince the team of the merits of the team vision.  The delegation of decision-making responsibility to team members is a proven way to develop effective team leaders.

A coach must also set the values for the team.  This, again, is done on a daily basis.  A common negative occurrence on a team is that the players learn to value talent.  Talent is important, but it cannot be one of the team’s core values.  Talent is relatively fixed on a team.  One can develop talent to a point, but most physical or mental attributes cannot be changed considerably and those that can usually are changed over a long period of time.  The same can be said for skills.  A basketball player who has a poor jump shot cannot learn to be a great three-point shooter overnight.  It takes time.  If a team has a core value of talent, then they become victims of that talent.  They either have it or they don’t.  If they don’t, they might as well go home.  If they do, they will tend to rely on their talent and not improve much in the process.  This team will lose when facing a team with equal or greater talent.  This team will also lose to lesser talented teams that have worked to improve throughout the year.  Achieving and developing more talent is important, but it is not a positive team value.  The key question then becomes “What should a team value?”

Effort needs to be at the core of the team’s value system.  When a team member makes great effort, it needs to be recognized and rewarded by the team.  Each team member will bring different talent levels to the team, but every team member can make great effort.  This value puts all team members at the same level.  Regardless of the relative status of the team member, it must be important to give great effort.  The coach must give great effort.  The most talented must give great effort.  The least talented must give great effort.  Each and every member of the team can and should be accountable for their effort.  The most talented players are going to accomplish more and, as a result, outsiders will be likely to recognize them more for their labors.  The team members must always be conscious of the core value and recognize those players who are making great effort regardless of the outcome of that effort.  There are many other values that need to be important to the team, most of which revolve around character issues.  These need to be wisely chosen and encouraged, but the value that has to be emphasized on a daily basis is the value of making effort.

Most teams have some type of a hierarchical system that determines the duties and relative importance of each team member.  Obviously, this creates an atmosphere of competition among the team members. These circumstances can inspire each team member to give great effort each day.  They can also lead to bitterness and a sense of discord among the team members.  To avoid this, the leader of the team must communicate very concisely the roles on the team and the process used to choose the personnel for each of these roles.  This process must be well known to all members of the team.  The leader must communicate that the ability to make others around you perform better is an essential characteristic for those wishing to fill the most desirable roles on the team.  A team member who has this characteristic must be put in a position of relative importance.  When a team member behaves in a way that helps others perform better, it must be recognized and rewarded by the team leader.  This will not only underscore the importance of this ability, it will also help to define what behaviors actually help others to improve their performance.  Some common behaviors that should be rewarded are showing enthusiasm, encouraging others, mentoring, and showing a sense of humor in discouraging situations.  This is a partial list that is contingent upon the personality of the team, but it is important to recognize and clearly state which behaviors truly lead to better team performance.  A wise coach will work tirelessly with his best players to develop these abilities.  When the organizational culture dictates that the best players excel in this quality, the teams in this organization will consistently achieve at high levels.

The coach and the leaders of the team must impart a sense of duty and responsibility to all members of the team.  Players need to feel that their performance is important to team performance.  They need to believe that by not being properly prepared or by not giving adequate effort, they are letting their teammates down.  Each member must feel that his performance is essential to the total team effort.  Many times a leader can best communicate this by pointing out a seemingly insignificant effort and showing the invaluable effects of this effort in the big picture.  A prime example of this effect occurred recently in a Schaumburg High School basketball game.  In the middle of the first quarter the opposing team scored a three-point basket to make the score 7-6 in their favor.  A Schaumburg player immediately ran the floor full speed and scored an easy lay-up before the other team could react to regain the lead for the home team.  Schaumburg subsequently went on a 17-0 run and handily won the game.  Looking at the video closely, it was clear that the easy basket frustrated and discouraged the visiting team.  They had just gained the lead and ‘boom’, it was gone.  Some players put their heads down, while others were yelling at their teammates.  This single effort had changed the course of the entire game.  The impressive part of this play is that the Schaumburg player ran the floor in this way every time, and had no guarantee that it would make any difference on this particular possession.  He chose to make this effort because he knew it was the right thing to do for his team, and his teammates were counting on him to make great effort.  The leaders of the Schaumburg team recognized and celebrated this effort even though it was expected from each team member.  This reinforcement serves to insure that the player will continue to make great effort and other players will consider improving their effort.

On the flip side of this coin, members of the team must trust each other enough that when a team member is not performing, they can freely tell the team member to improve his performance.  All team members must agree that this criticism will not be personal, but it can and should be pointed.  Every effort should be made to keep the goal of improving the team in mind when a situation occurs with team members.  A team member can forcefully correct a teammate without demeaning the player as a person.  This allows all team members to share in the responsibility for the performance of the team.  The team leader can best facilitate this in two ways.  First, the leader should have a team meeting for the express purpose of compelling all team members to agree to this concept – one can correct an individual for the betterment of the team as long as it is not personal.  Secondly, the team leader needs to model this behavior during team performance.  He can do this by intensely correcting the behavior of a team member during a performance without changing the way he treats the person after the performance.  This shows the team that the leader cares deeply about team performance, but that a poor performance does not affect the way that the leader feels about the individual.  Role modeling in this way will encourage others to react appropriately when the performance of a team member is not acceptable.

Also, a coach needs to adopt a non-judgmental attitude towards the players.  He must encourage them relentlessly.  He must hold them accountable to the team for their effort and performance.  He must remove them from the team if they choose not to conform to the team culture.  But he must not be judgmental about the decisions a player makes concerning the team.  A coach’s job is to convince the players of the desirability of striving for the team vision.  If a coach fails to do this with a player, he must direct his efforts toward the players who are still on the team.  A coach who spends time making unkind remarks about a player who quits the team is wasting time and is conveying an extremely negative message.  The message a judgmental coach gives to his team is that a person is valuable only if he does what the coach desires.  It will not be long before the players begin to understand that the coach is simply using the players to fulfill personal goals.  The non-judgmental coach sends the message that each player is important as an individual, but the coach has chosen to make team performance more important than any individual.

When new members become a part of the team, it is important that they are integrated into the culture of the team in a timely manner.  It is important that the coach and the leaders of the team realize that the socialization process will take some time.  It is also important that the new members of the team realize that they have much to learn.  The standards set for the new members will not be as stringent as the standards for experienced team members.  It is imperative, though, that the new members understand that they must have a sense of urgency to develop into fully functioning team members.  This is the quickest way to return the performance of the team to optimal levels after a change in team personnel has occurred.

Building a successful team requires persistence and determination.  First, one must choose a team considering the character and motivation of the prospective players as well as their talent.  Then, the leader must work diligently to convince all team members to energetically pursue the team vision or remove themselves from the team.  Leaders must be developed from within the team through a team decision-making process.  A core value of exceptional effort must be instilled in all team members beginning with the most talented players.  The team leader needs to clearly communicate the respective roles of the team members and reward those players who make their teammates better.  The leader must inspire a sense of responsibility among the team members to make great effort for their teammates and to recognize this effort when it occurs.  The leader must also foster a sense of trust on the team so that each player can honestly and openly critique another player’s performance.  The leader must always encourage team members to work towards the team vision without being judgmental.

A coach or team leader who determinedly works with his team using these strategies is destined for success.  It is said that teamwork is the key to success in life.  The most noble of endeavors in life then is to build a successful team.  The team leader who remembers this through the difficult progression of team development will surely move successfully towards the ultimate accomplishment – being the architect of a great team!

Take Yourself to the Top

The following is from Larry Dean Jackson and

Take Yourself to the Top!
by Chris Widener

Everyone wants to get to the top, whether it is the top of a career, a company, the earnings scale, or the many other ways that we as individuals can define the “top” in our own lives! But with so many people trying to get to the top, how come so many people aren’t moving up? I think there are some fundamental reasons why. Reasons that can be addressed and changed!

What are some things you can do to get to the top? Here are some thoughts for you this week!

First of all, define what the “top” means for you. This is extremely important because if you don’t know where you are going, you will never get there! Some people don’t want to be the CEO of the company. In fact, many think they are better off than the CEO even though they don’t make as much money. Instead, they think they are at the top because of less stress, weekends with their families, etc, and I see their point. It doesn’t matter what others think is the top, only what you do, since you are only gauging whether or not YOU get there! So where is it for you? That is the first question for you to answer.

Be passionate about your goal. Passion is the energy that drives us, or, as Alexander Pope said, passions are the “gales of life.” Passion is the wind in the sales of work. Find some thing you love and you will find something you can get to the top of. If you don’t love it, you may still make it to the top, though highly unlikely. And even if you do, there will be no joy. Let your passion carry you, because it will carry you far! Thomas Fuller put it this way: A man with passion rides a horse that runs away with him.

The will to continue in the face of hardship. Another reason most will not get to the top is because they simply refuse to scale the mountains of hardship that separate them from the top. If you want to get to the beautiful view from the top, you will have to climb over any obstacles. Instead, many choose to stay at base camp!
One would think that Bjorn Borg, one of the greatest tennis players to ever live, would consider his skill his greatest asset. Instead, this is what he says, “My greatest point is my persistence. I never give up in a match. However down I am, I fight until the last ball. My list of matches shows that I have turned a great many so-called irretrievable defeats into victories.”
Continue until you get to the top!

Love people and treat them right. What? Love people? That’s right! Why? Because if you are going to get to the top, you are going to need other people. Be a jerk and you will find people dragging their feet on you. Treat them right and you will find them helping you and even cheering you on!

Master the appropriate skills. Average skills will get you to the middle. Top skills will get you to the TOP! This is most assuredly true when combined with the points above. Are you achieving excellence in the skills you need? Are you growing day by day, month by month, year by year? You can always get better and getting better will take you closer to the top! Even if you only improve a little, you can keep improving that small amount and it will eventually become a big amount! Demand the best from yourself and you will get to the top. Remember the words of Jose Ortega y Gasset: “We distinguish the excellent man from the common man by saying that the former is the one who makes great demands on himself, and the latter who makes no demands on himself.”

Define the Top
Be Passionate
Love others
Skill Mastery!

These will take you to the top!

Numbered Fast Break System of Play

The following is from Scott Bogumil, former Head Boys Basketball Coach, Libertyville High School (IL) and Five-Star Basketball:

Every program plays within a system. Successful programs understand and execute their system of play that is beneficial to the talent level of their players. Whatever system you employ make sure it is beneficial for the athletes and skill level of your players. Do not waver from your beliefs but improve on the skills necessary for your players to implement your style of play. Over the years I have run the Numbered Fast Break as the cornerstone of the program I have been fortunate to have coached.. I have employed this program at both an inner city Chicago Catholic school (Gordon Tech High School) and at suburban public high school (Libertyville High School) with very good results. Having a talented program of future Division 1 and 2 players at Gordon Tech the Fast break system took our program to top finishes in State and Conference. At Libertyville where our talent was limited in relation to many of our opponents our style of play kept us competitive and established us as a respected opponent. Our transition game in turn promotes hard aggressive play and gets many players involved.


Our goal in this system is to put constant pressure on our opponents on both the offensive and defensive ends of the floor. When you speak of pressure most think of defensive pressure but we try to keep the same amount of pressure on teams on both ends of the floor. Defensive pressure is essential but our potential to fast break created pressure on the offensive end. It is essential for us to put pressure on a team’s defense by running our fast break on both makes and misses followed by a secondary offense to get clean looks at the basket. Running when your team is more talented both athletically and skill wise forces anxiety against the less talented opponent. Running on a more talented opponent can creates scoring opportunities that may be hard to come by in the half court. Using this quote by Hubie Brown from a lecture at the Five-Star basketball camp is the cornerstone of our philosophy “I am a much better coach than you when I can play you 2 on 1, 3 on 2, etc. but especially when I can get to the basket 1 on 0!”

The essential philosophy for our system is broken down into 10 areas.

  1. Teams that play set up offenses rely on pure execution to get good looks at the basket.  Also allows for opposing coaches to take away options.
  2. Many successful college programs in recent years (i.e. Michigan State, Florida, N. Carolina, and Louisville) run a transition fast break offense and are aggressive defensively.
  3. Players like to run.
  4. You can make your team a well conditioned team and maintain that conditioning by your style of play.
  5. Pressure provides more opportunities for kids to play. You can play a rotation of 7-10 players which keeps players involved and interested.
  6. Pressure eliminates leisure time in the game and forces players to play hard
  7. A team that has to play against our pressure will have breakdowns for periods of times during games (turnovers, poor shot selection, weak defense).
  8. Competiveness will be essential to get playing time.
  9. Your team will be respected and known for their intensity.
  10. Your team will be fun to watch.

In closing I recognize the coaching belief that shortening the game against more talented opponents is at times necessary so working on your half court execution especially in late quarter / games situations is essential. But the need to get easy baskets in transition helps your team get to the point where that late game execution matters. You may pick your spots to run your fast break / secondary offense but having that numbered fast break and secondary offense in your arsenal can be effective.

Working College Summer Basketball Camps to Network

The following is from Nick LoGalbo, Head Boys’ Basketball Coach, Lane Tech High School (Chicago):

There are a lot of young coaches out there considering whether or not they should take the time out of their busy summer schedules to work a basketball camp (or camps) not associated with their current school at a university or organization (like Five Star or Snow Valley). Conversely, there are also a lot of veteran coaches out there that have either worked camp in the past and have decided that those days are over, or have never worked a camp because they could never find the time. To all of you reading this article…MAKE THE TIME!

Certainly, there are pros and cons to working camp. Looking at the list of typical excuses that coaches give for not working camp: 1.) not wanting to be away from family, 2.) not wanting to take time away from his or her program, 3.) not being compensated fairly for the amount of work that is put in, 4.) not being worth the time and energy, or 5.) just not being interested, it is fair to say that the coaches making these assertions have constructed a strong case for avoiding camps altogether. However, in my ten years of working basketball camps, I have to say that the pros definitely outweigh the aforementioned cons for the following reasons.

Working camp gets you out of your comfort zone
It is very easy for us as coaches to get comfortable. Our life begins to align with our basketball schedule and a routine begins to form. It is imperative that we avoid monotony and continue to challenge ourselves to grow. As we get into coaching a few years and we invest in a particular philosophy and system, we can begin to just accept what we are doing as who we are as coaches. It becomes familiar and we become confident in delivering the content so the desire to learn different systems/concepts begins to fade. The ability to change and adapt are the hallmarks of growth, but the reality is, sometimes we do not see the flaws in our system nor do we think that there is another way to do what we do better.
That is where working camp comes in! By immersing yourself in a world inhabited by basketball coaches from all different backgrounds, you are forced to have those conversations and begin to share ideas and best practices. Inevitably, by the end of the week, you will find that you have something to bring back to your team that you will use for the upcoming season. Further, sometimes working camp will shed light on the fact that your system is not working or there is something out there that may work better. And the great thing is you then have a free clinic to learn the new idea/system/concept as most coaches love to share and help other coaches out and invest in the coaching fraternity.
I can not tell you how many times I met a coach the first day of camp and by mid-week we were connecting for an all-night chalk talk after all the campers were checked in for bed. I have learned things that I implemented immediately and things that I never necessarily applied, however, all of what I learned made me better and, even if I did not apply the concepts to our system, I was better equipped to prepare our team for our opponents.

Working camp is a great networking tool
As we all begin to assess how invested we are going to become in our coaching careers and then determine the sacrifices we are willing to make to “climb the coaching ladder”, we realize that even the best coaches can not get where they want to go alone. Networking the coaching fraternity becomes paramount in navigating your roadmap to success. I have been very fortunate in my time to meet some amazing people working camp and have had some opportunities present themselves because of the contacts I made by networking. Ultimately, regardless of your ambitions, networking the coaching fraternity is a very important asset. For me, I have not left the school I have been at for ten years and I do not see myself doing so, however, that is not to say that I have not had advantages because of the connections I have made. Because of the coaches I have been able to network, I have been able to hold leadership seminars with professional coaches coming to our school to work with our guys. I have had some of the top skills instructors in the world come to our gym and put our guys through workouts. I have had my players benefit in the recruiting process by coaches I have networked with getting my players information out to the coaches in their respective state. And, most importantly, I have a network of coaches that are just a phone call or email away ready to chalk talk or offer advice during the ups and downs of the basketball season.

Some coaches think that networking means just building your career and climbing the ladder. For me, it has become so much more than that. I know I have personally benefitted, and, more importantly, my players have benefitted from my coaching network.

Working camp is a great way to build your brand
In regards to the aforementioned coaching network, we have to understand that in working camps and representing our program the right way, we are building our brand. We are exposing our program to hundreds of coaches and players and, in doing so, we are making it known to the basketball world who we are and what we stand for. That is going to help our players in getting looks to play at the next level. That is going to help when we are ready to take on a new challenge in the coaching profession. That is going to help when potential players ask around about our program.

The perception of any program is based on the standards of the program and the ability of the coach to market those standards. What better way to do so that by wearing our gear and grinding during the summer with coaches and campers from all over the world!

Honestly, from a personal standpoint, this has become the most important reason for working camp. From working basketball camps and being around so many like-minded individuals, I have developed some of my closest friendships. In working the Duke Basketball Camp the past ten years, I met a coach that has become one of my closest friends. I stood up in his wedding and he stood up in mine. We plan basketball trips every summer and even though he lives hundreds of miles away we have developed a bond that will last a lifetime. Our wives have become friends, our children are now friends, and, he has become someone I know I can call and lean on in any situation that arises, basketball season or not.

The law of attraction states that you attract what you are. We all want to be around like-minded individuals that share the same passions and interests. If you are a basketball coach and basketball is more than a game to you, you want to be around people that share that same passion. Further, once that foundation has been established, a deeper and more authentic friendship can and will begin to form. I had eight groomsmen stand up in my wedding and more than half of them were people that I met through the game of basketball.

Working camp re-invigorates you
After a long season, a busy spring, and the end of the school year, it can be hard to get in the right frame of mind to begin summer ball. Again, that is where working camp can help so much. In getting away from our program for a week, we are able to see that the issues we deal with during the course of the season (that we think are subject to just our program) are happening all over: parent issues, chemistry issues, etc., etc. The ups and downs of a season can be tough to handle, which is why it is nice to get out of our own chaotic world and see that other coaches have the same issues and, even more importantly, we can share best practices to combat the issues.

Further, it is also a huge refresher to be around other players from all different skill levels. What ends up happening is that coaching gets broken down to its most basic, fundamental level: we begin to teach without any agenda. We teach the game solely to aid in the youngster’s development. Playing time is not part of the equation. Reputation is not part of the equation. We just teach to teach and that is why we all decided to become coaches in the first place.

Finally, in working camp, we surround ourselves with an organization or school that operates on standards of excellence. When we are around greatness, we cannot help but rise to the occasion, and in rising to the occasion, we become better coaches. We learn what it feels like to operate at even higher standards than we are used to in our own programs.

Working camp reminds you that the game is meant to be enjoyable!

During the course of a long season, we can forget to enjoy the process. It is nice to get away for a week and to be reminded that we love this game and so do our players. Enjoy the ups and downs, enjoy the daily grind…it is what we all signed up for!


The following is from Larry Dean Jackson and

Overtraining is a serious concern for all athletes and coaches because of the recovery time required for over-use injuries. To avoid a situation that leaves a player out for most of the season, coaches should watch for these signs of overtraining:
• Early-onset fatigue
• Severely decreased motivation
• Complaints of chronic, but bearable, pain
• Decreased technique as a means of compensation for pain

Adequate recovery time is one of the easiest ways for coaches to protect their athletes from overtraining.

Players should not work on every skill at every practice.

This means that some days, different muscle groups will not be used, or will be used only secondarily. If players work every major muscle group at every practice, they will never have enough time to completely recover from previous workouts, which will force them to start practice in an already weakened state.

There is no hard-and-fast rule about the right amount of recovery time, but if players work one muscle group intensely during a practice, they should have two days of recovery time. During this recovery time, they should stretch and do other light movements to keep the muscles from seizing up or becoming painfully sore.

Monitoring athletes also allows coaches to recognize optimal times for training. The beginning of the season is an optimal time for training because there are fewer games and more need for specialized instruction and team-building work. As competitions pick up in the middle of the season, intense training should wind down, allowing players to focus more on running drills and mastering complex game patterns instead of conditioning or hard training.

As the season winds down, coaches can increase the level of training if they feel that their team is not already overworked. For some teams, the intensity of the competition will be too much, and increasing a training program would cause them to be over-trained.

Pay close attention to your team and their needs to create a program that keeps everyone safe and healthy.

Coach the Thrills

The following is from Larry Dean Jackson and

Coach to the Thrills by Jim Murphy

Think about the things that excite you the most during a game you are coaching. Why are they so exciting? It is because they are momentum changers and things that win games.

I think you could plan every practice by writing down the 5 to 7 things that give you the biggest adrenaline rush during games and planning every practice accordingly. You would be emphasizing all the things that make the game great. Here are some of the things that would be on my list.

1. Getting a big stop at the end of the game.
2. Perfect execution of an offensive play for an easy successful shot.
3. Having all the inside positions for a defensive rebound
4. Taking a charge!!!
5. A great pass for an easy shot.
6. An inside out pass for an easy (made) 3.
7. Breaking a press for a layup.

I think that if everything we do in practice is planned to make me jump (relative term now) out of my seat during games, we will get better and better.

Fundamentals are the Foundation of Great Players

When I talk to average players they often talk about how they find it boring to work on skills and work on the fundamentals of the game. However, when I talk to the best players they often talk about the importance of spending time on their skills and the detail of their skills. Fundamentals may not be fun to work on, but they are what often times separate the best from the average.

So how do “the best” work on these fundamentals and what do they work on? Below is a list that all players should consider.

1. Shooting: must make sure you are taking “game shots; from game sports; at game speed.” Each player should put a great deal of thought to the type of shots they get out of the system they play in. Every player should know where their shots will come from (based on the position they play) and how they arrive in those spots. What shots do they get where they cut into that shot? What shots do they get where they usually dribble into those shots? What shots do they get where they have to cut into the shot? These are the questions that must be answered as they put thought to what they will be working on. The other question that must be answered is: what angles do you come into those shots? So you much get “catch-shoot shots”; shots off the dribble; and shots off the cut.

Once you arrive at these answers you then have to add two other components to your shooting workouts. 1) You must work on “form shooting”; the proper technique on every shot you take. 2) You must work on shots where a defender is contesting that shot. The form shooting is so you get your technique down correctly; we don’t get into having players take 500 shots; or 300 shots; or 1,000 shots. We want them taking as many shots as they need to take to insure that they improve, but what is more important than the total is that they take “1 perfect form shot 500 times”; not just take 500 shots! And the reason we want players to have a defender contest the shot is that most shots in the game have a defender near the shooter; flying out at the shooter; or actually up and contesting the shooter. We want our shooters to develop a confidence where that will never bother them.

2. Dribbling: First and foremost is that players need to master the basic dribbles (speed, cross over, fake cross over, through the legs, hesitation) and the players need to work on being able to dribble with pressure on them as well as dribble through any contact. This is the dribbling equivalent of game shots from game spots at game speed. Being able to dribble, keep your head up, and get through contact are all important to incorporate into your workouts. The final part of this is to make sure the player puts a heavy emphasis on the development of their weak hand.

3. Conditioning: conditioning is so important because it is the basis for all improvement. In order to improve you must practice effectively. In order to practice effectively you must be in great condition. The best players will practice at game speed and for long periods of time. The only way to accomplish this is by being in shape. When all is said and done conditioning is the foundation for improvement.

4. Footwork: footwork, if done properly, can save time and inches, which, in turn, makes you quicker. There will be different footwork required based on the action. It is important to think the footwork through before you work on it and then execute the footwork a little slower if it is the first time you will use it. As you get more comfortable with your footwork then you speed up. Get it right before you make it fast!

5. Defense: this is a tough area to work on when you are putting together a personal skill development program for yourself. Staying in shape is an important part of defense so you must pay attention to the conditioning aspect of your program. It never hurts to actually work on your slides; but most important is to make sure you concentrate on defending whenever you are in a pick up game. Make it a personal habit to really get down in a stance and defend in these settings.

This will give a “how to” on putting together your skill development program. The more important part of it all is not so much the “how to,” but the “how often.” The great players will put in consistent work until they master a skill. Then they keep working on it so that they maintain that skill. So the key becomes the players’ own attitude toward the fundamentals. The average players get bored; the best players work hard and get better!

Credit: Unknown