Follow Your Pass Drill

The following is from Andrew Weber, Head Men’s Basketball Coach, Rockford University:

Follow Your Pass Drill

• Coach passes #5 the ball
• #5 catches the ball with one hand and passes it to #4
• #4 catches the ball, rips through, and drives it to a left hand lay-up
• Players rotate by following their pass

Tennessee Free Throw Drill

The following is from Jim Harrington, former Head Boys Basketball Coach, Elgin High School:

TN FT Drill

1.) Shoot 10 FTs early in practice – one at a time and rotate

2.) Shoot 10 FTs in the middle of practice – two at a time

3.) End of practice shoot 5 bonus FTs – gives us a potential for 30 practice FTs

4.) Any player make less than 24 (80%) runs a spring for every one under 24.

1 on 1 Mirror Drill

The following is from Scott Miller, Head Boys Basketball Coach, Glenbard East High School (IL):

1 on 1 Mirror Drill

• X’s pass a ball to O’s and closeout to the ball with proper technique

• As O holds the ball up over his head, get up and pressure

• As he brings it down, pop off to defend a drive

• Rotate defense to end of offense line and offense to end of defense line

16+8 Free Throw Drill

The following is from Jim Harrington, former Head Boys Basketball Coach, Elgin High School (IL):

16-8 Drill

1.) Divide players into 2 groups or more with a coach with each group. Ex. 2 groups – one at each end.

2.) Each player attempts 1 + 1 bonus FT situation

– If a player makes both FT’s he gets a reward (water)

– If a player missed 1st FT he runs 16 width courts in 60 seconds

– If a player makes 1st FT and missed the 2nd, he runs 8 width courts in 30 seconds

3.) After both teams are finished shooting, line players up who missed FTs and have everyone run at the same time. Have players who made both FTs be enthusiastic. Team cheer for teammates who are running.

1 on 0 Closeout-Big Step Drill

Big Step Drill

• The defensive player on the baseline takes a good angle of approach and closes out to the cone
• After the initial closeouts, the defensive players makes a big first step towards the next cone and defensive slides all the way to it
• Once they reach the second cone, the defensive player gets into dead ball position before rotating to the next line
• Work different offensive positions and slide directions on the floor throughout the drill

Plus 4, Minus 4 Shooting Drill

The following is from Jim Harrington, former Head Boys Basketball Coach, Elgin High School (IL):

Plus 4 Minus 4 Shooting

1.) Use the 7 spots on the floor
2.) Flip the ball out and get hind the ball (circle it)
3.) You get +1 for a made field goal and -1 for a missed field goal
4.) Play until you get +4 or -4 total.
5.) Use or incorporate all moves (shot fakes, catch and shoot, cross/onside step, etc.)

4 Corner Spot Shooting Drill

The following is from Jim Harrington, former Head Boys Basketball Coach, Elgin High School:

4 Corner Spot Shooting

  1. Decide where you want the four spots and distance
  2. Four balls with one ball in each line
  3. Shoot the ball, rebound it, and pass it to the next player in line
  4. Rotate one line clockwise or counter-clockwise
  5. Add shot fakes and other offensive moves
  6. Do for 5-6 minutes

Cougar Shooting Drill

Cougar Shooting Drill

• #1 dribbles through the cones using various change of direction moves and attacks the basket
• After taking a shot, the player widens out to the corner and cuts hard off the cone simulating a cut off of a screen
• Coach passes the player the ball for a shot

Utilize various moves on the first and second legs of the drill:
• Regular lay-up
• Power finish
• Shot-fake finish
• Floaters
• Runners
• Reverse lay-up
• Jump shot
• Pull-up jump shot
• Step-back move
• Step-back counter move
• Inside hand finish
• Hips across lay-up
• Spin move
• Up and under move
• Ginobili move
• Etc.

Hornacek Shooting Drill

The following is from Jim Harrington, former Head Boys Basketball Coach, Elgin High School:

Hornacek Shooting Drill

1.) Shooter starts at right elbow and attempts a shot
2.) After 1st shot, they V-cut to the corner for a second shot
3.) After the second shot, they sprint past the three point line and comes back in for a lay-up
4.) Repeat the same procedure on the left side
5.) Play to 50 points and increase it as the season progresses
• Shots 1-2-4-5 (jump shots) are worth 5 points
• Shots 3 and 6 (lay-ups) are worth 2 points
6.) it is a continuous shooting and moving drill that is good for conditioning

Illinois Ten Spot Shooting Drill

The following is from Jim Harrington, former Head Boys Basketball Coach, Elgin High School (IL):

IL Spot Shooting

• Start at #1 and start with a make – partner rebounds shots
• You cannot miss two shots in a row
• When you get to the opposite corner, you must make two shots and rotate back
• Shots can be from 3 point range or in closer
• If you miss two in a row, you switch spots with your partner