Cougar Shooting Drill

Cougar Shooting Drill

• #1 dribbles through the cones using various change of direction moves and attacks the basket
• After taking a shot, the player widens out to the corner and cuts hard off the cone simulating a cut off of a screen
• Coach passes the player the ball for a shot

Utilize various moves on the first and second legs of the drill:
• Regular lay-up
• Power finish
• Shot-fake finish
• Floaters
• Runners
• Reverse lay-up
• Jump shot
• Pull-up jump shot
• Step-back move
• Step-back counter move
• Inside hand finish
• Hips across lay-up
• Spin move
• Up and under move
• Ginobili move
• Etc.

Trap to Half Court Drill

The following is from Jim Harrington, IBCA Hall of Fame Coach:

Trap to HC 001

• A-B double team the inbounds pass
• A-B trap all over the backcourt
• #1 looks for an open area to receive a pass from #1
• Once the pass is made, A-B trap the ball
• Action stops when the ball crosses half court

Trap to HC 002

• Same action as before but B starts out guarding the inbounder

4 Chair Drill I

4 Chair Drill I

• #1 starts in triple attack positions makes a move before dribbling (sweep, rip, jab, combination, etc.)
• #1 makes a dribbling move at each chair (hesitation, in/out, cross over, between the legs, behind the back, spin move)
• Once he clears the final chair, he dribbles to the chair on the opposite side of the floor (you can have them speed dribble, lateral dribble, power dribble, crab walk, etc. there)
• Once at the final chair, #1 makes a move before attacking the basket for a shot (change of direction, hesitation, retreat dribble, etc.)

Note: Mix up your dribble move combinations and finishes. For example, the first part of the drill you have the player start with a sweep and a rip, go through the chairs making cross overs, speed dribble to the last chair, go between their legs, and finish with a floater. The second time you do the drill you may change up each part of it to work on different moves and finishes.

Drills: Pitino Lay-Ups

The following is from Jason Dycus, Head Girls’ Basketball Coach, Naperville North High School (IL):

Dycus Pitino Lay-Ups

• Everyone has a basketball
• Each player dribbles full court, using in/out moves or change of direction moves
• They finish at the rim through contact from the coach
• The drill should run in both directions down the court

Drills: Celtic Two Ball Series

Celtic Two Ball Series

• Each player in line has to basketballs
• #1 dribbles both basketballs simultaneously
• #1, while continuing his dribble, passes the ball from his right hand to the coach
• #1 then drives to the cone with his left hand, makes a change of direction move, and finishes at the basket
• #1 then makes a curl cut off of the second cone and receives a pass from the coach for a shot

Change of Direction Moves to Work On
• Crossover, Between the legs, behind the back, spin move, combination moves

Finishes to Work On
• Regular lay-up, two-foot power lay-up, shot fake finish, inside hand finish, floater, pop back move, pop back counter, etc.

Shots to Work on Off of the Second Cone
• Jump shot, pull-up jump shot, floater, up and under, pop back move, pop back counter, rip and drive to the rim (either side), etc.

Toughness Ball Handling Drill

Toughness Ball Handling Drill

• Players partners up and work with each other splitting the court into thirds.
• The defensive player makes constant contact with the ball handling, reasonable fouls are permitted for the drill.
• The offensive player must handle the ball through pressure and contact.

Dribble Moves vs. Contact:
1. Basic change of direction moves
2. Power dribble (ball handler stays low, separates the ball from his man using his body, and drives the defense forward with his feet)
3. Trap (retreat) dribble