Trap to Half Court Drill

The following is from Jim Harrington, IBCA Hall of Fame Coach:

Trap to HC 001

• A-B double team the inbounds pass
• A-B trap all over the backcourt
• #1 looks for an open area to receive a pass from #1
• Once the pass is made, A-B trap the ball
• Action stops when the ball crosses half court

Trap to HC 002

• Same action as before but B starts out guarding the inbounder

3 on 3 Baseline Charge Drill

3 on 3 Charge Drill 001

• #1 passes the ball to #2
• All three defenders jump to the ball
• #2 drives
• x3 helps on the baseline drive and takes a charge
• x1 covers down

3 on 3 Baseline Charge Drill 002

• #2 kicks the ball out to #1
• #1 passes to #3
• The defenders rotate on the passes

3 on 3 Charge Drill 003

• #3 drives to the baseline
• x2 helps on the drive and takes the charge
• x1 covers down

Purdue 60 Drill

The following is from Tom Kleinschmidt, Head Boys’ Basketball Coach, DePaul Prep (IL):

Purdue 60 Point Drill

1. There is no screening and no dribbling after the first pass.
2. No shots are allowed but lay=ups. If you score you keep possession.
3. Each team earns 1 point for a pass, 4 points for a foul, and 5 points for a made lay-up. A turnover will result in minus 5 points from your score.
4. The offense CANNOT screen in this drill.

Coaching Points
1. Officiate the ball.
2. Emphasize all fundamentals.
3. Can play full or half court.

Toughness Ball Handling Drill

Toughness Ball Handling Drill

• Players partners up and work with each other splitting the court into thirds.
• The defensive player makes constant contact with the ball handling, reasonable fouls are permitted for the drill.
• The offensive player must handle the ball through pressure and contact.

Dribble Moves vs. Contact:
1. Basic change of direction moves
2. Power dribble (ball handler stays low, separates the ball from his man using his body, and drives the defense forward with his feet)
3. Trap (retreat) dribble

Drills: 3 on 3 Baseline Charge Drill

Defensive team starts on the baseline
The ball is thrown out to the offensive players on the perimeter
Defense closes out
The ball is passed the wing and the offensive player drives baseline (which defender allows for drill purposes)
The weak side defender helps and takes a charge
The top of the key defender covers down
The ball is skipped back up to the top of the key and then reversed
Repeat same action